This is amazing
I downloaded the Tron soundtrack fairly recently, and man did you capture the style perfectly! Actually in my opinion this is better than any song on it. Kudos to you! You've got amazing talent
This is amazing
I downloaded the Tron soundtrack fairly recently, and man did you capture the style perfectly! Actually in my opinion this is better than any song on it. Kudos to you! You've got amazing talent
Great! I love it the one thing you could improve..
I'm Isih.
Also nice
Yea that`s right I`m reviewing both of the Giant ones. :P
to the guy down below saying this should be used in an animation, I will be putting it an animation of the Odyssey, soon hopefully
Very nice
Nice piece you got here, I saw you had no reviews so i decided somebody had to say it. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Smooth, cool and good beat. Nuff said.
I've used in my PlumberMan series and I LOVE IT!
There's nothing to critisize. Keep it up man!
Very well done
I was searching for a song for my new animation, And i thought well, How 'bout flight o' the bumblebee, So i searched and found this. And this is exactley what i was looking for. Thanks!
Very Nice
You know i really like this, Another good techno. I think i might use this for the begining of one of my new super hero animations!
Keep it up!
sure,just tell me if u need some particular kind of musik and i will make it with placer.
Niiice Techno.
I agree with the other guy, Pretty good beat here. A bit repetitive at the begining but overall pretty good. I like it.
thx buddy! tought i can add u to my friends list.if u need some music for ure submissions,just call me and i will make some musik for ya.thx for reviewing!
Canadian animator kickin it on the West Coast
Age 31, Male
Joined on 4/15/06