Well after many many long time of making animations, Ajimbo and I finally got featured on the front page with our newest animation. And mann is it sweet.
So thanks everyone for the great positive feed back.. and some of the more.. negative reviews.
they made me chuckle too.
this one in particular.
"Teacher should get the pattle for ur ass"
by: Kinchmire-BlackAura
WAS CRAP, you don't rip on what you grew up on. TRY AGAIN and this time make a real school bus trip. (Have miss. frizzal come back hotter then ever or something) *Sorry if i spelled the teachers' name wrong* Just fix it; We dont wanna see a old man or pregnet slut, or drugs.
Author's Response:
oh kinchmire-blackaura. lemme get this straight: you wanna use your childhood memories to build a stronger relationship with your right hand>??
complements to Ajimbo for the response.
Man, me and friends laughed out asses off when we saw this, and we keep re-watching it over and over. Please make another episode!